One day, whilst at the Three Jolly Bargemen, Pip is given back the file as well as a twopound note for helping out Magwitch, though nobody but Pip knows who it was from. They are given to him by a mysterious friend of Magwitch, and although Pip never sees a cent of the money given to him, this is the first real sign that Magwitch intends to pay Pip back for his help. While it could have ended here, at this point all Magwitch had done was pay Pip back for the vittles and file, and while all Pip wanted was to be done with this business of the convict, Magwitch still intends to pay him back for taking the time and care to help a man whom he just as easily turned away. Magwitch sees this a hugely noble deed and intends to pay him back for it.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mysterious Money from a Mysterious Man
One day, whilst at the Three Jolly Bargemen, Pip is given back the file as well as a twopound note for helping out Magwitch, though nobody but Pip knows who it was from. They are given to him by a mysterious friend of Magwitch, and although Pip never sees a cent of the money given to him, this is the first real sign that Magwitch intends to pay Pip back for his help. While it could have ended here, at this point all Magwitch had done was pay Pip back for the vittles and file, and while all Pip wanted was to be done with this business of the convict, Magwitch still intends to pay him back for taking the time and care to help a man whom he just as easily turned away. Magwitch sees this a hugely noble deed and intends to pay him back for it.
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