Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pip confronts the old brood about tricking him.

Pip, realizing that he cannot keep Magwitch's money, goes to visit Estella and Miss Havisham one more time, as he will no longer be able to pursue Estella. While there he confronts Miss Havisham about her deception as to who was his sponsor, to which she feels no regret as she has suffered more than enough pain in her life. Pip then talks to Estella, professing his love to her one final time, only for her to flippantly turn him away, saying that she is promised to Drummle. She then says that there would never have been feelings between the two of them and that she always told him that she was unable to love. Pip is destroyed by this, as he now realizes what a waste his life has been, but even in this stupor, he still loves Estella. Miss Havisham recognizes this in his eyes and although it was what she had always aimed for, she repents due to the fact she was unprepared to deal with destroying another life just as her's was destroyed. She pities Pip for the unhappy life that he must trudge through, and I assume she regrets having set such an intricate trap for destroying a decent person. That or she really is just an old hag.

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